Friday, November 9, 2012

5 Factors That Contribute to A More Natural Appearance and Feel in your Breast Augmentation

1. Scar Around Implant - If a scar develops around the implant, this can result in a firmer feel and a less-than-natural appearance. I routinely use an antibiotic rinse in the implant pocket during the augmentation to combat this problem and have seen the occurrence of this capsular contraction around the implant to be much less frequent.  

2. Over the Muscle vs. Under the Muscle - I have a personal preference to place the implant beneath the chest wall muscle. In the 1,500 breast augmentations I have performed I have placed the implant in the space beneath the muscle in 95% of my patients. My reasons for sub-muscular placement are as follows:
  • A more natural appearance
  • Easier to detect any breast lumps, which may appear at a later date
  • Less concern with breast feeding
  • Less of a chance of scarring around the implant
  • Less of a chance of seeing rippling on the side of the breast

3. Silicone vs. Saline - 90% of my patients has chosen Silicone over Saline for their implants. A significant number of patients that have chosen Saline over Silicone return in 1 to 3 years and request an exchange to Silicone implants. My rationale for choosing Silicone over Saline is:
  • Silicone is much more natural feeling
  • In my experience, there is less of a chance of leakage
  • There is a smaller chance of detecting rippling on the side of the breast with the use of Silicone.

4. The Size of the Breast Skin Envelope - This is a less-mentioned, but very important factor.  If the breast skin has been stretched during pregnancy, it is more difficult to obtain a natural feel and appearance without doing a breast lift at the same time as the augmentation. The lift coupled with the augmentation produces a much more natural appearance and a more perky appearance of the breast. 

5. Smaller Normal Breast Tissue vs. Larger Normal Breast Tissue - The amount of breast tissue prior to the augmentation contributes significantly to a natural feel after augmentation. The implant is more easily hidden in the larger breast tissue and takes on a more natural feel and appearance.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Botox™ at RUCKER MD's Enza Medispa

Looking for the best deal on Botox™? Look no further than RUCKER MD's Enza Medispa!

Because we believe everyone should be able to feel comfortable in their skin, we would like to share a few tips to note when searching for the best Botox™ deals. One of the most common questions we get is about pricing. When price shopping for Botox™, always ask yourself: does this price seem too good to be true? Here are some clues that it just might be:

•     The place is really using and off-brand, not Botox™. The Enza Medispa uses ONLY Botox™, directly from Allergan.

•     The Botox™ may be diluted. A vial contains 50 mL of Botox™. Some places will water it down in order to make it go further. This results in a Botox™ treatment that doesn’t last long or isn’t as effective

•     The product may be expired. At the Enza Medispa, we always use FRESH Botox™ and never save any left-over Botox™. Each application is from a brand new vial. 

We hope this helps you when deciding where to go for Botox™ and whom you can trust!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Profiles Fall / Winter 2012

The NEW Profiles is here! Click below to see our online edition.

  • 1st Annual Pink Ribbon Charity Golf Classic Recap
  • Giving Mother Nature a Boost
  • Saying Good-Bye to Wrinkles
  • Tips for Luscious Lips
  • Eating Healthy for the Holidays
  • Botox Blunders

Also check out our specials on the back-page for the Enza Medispa.

Watch your mail-box or check out these newspapers for your own copy:
Nov 7th: Pioneer Press, New Richmond News, River Falls Journal, & Hudson Star Observer
Nov 10th: Leader Telegram
Nov 11th: Chippewa Herald